Goodbye 2019

Well I know what one of my New Years resolutions is going to be, keep up with blogging! I love decorating but putting my ideas into words, not so much.

Since I will be putting away my Christmas decorations soon I am going to take you on a Christmas tour of my home. For those of you who don’t know me well it is important for you to know before you read any further that I LOVE Christmas! I have been collecting Christmas decorations since I was in college. I have also made a lot of my own decorations. The most Christmas trees that I have had up at one time is seven! I haven’t done that for awhile. When we moved we rented a small U-haul that contained mostly holiday decorations, most of those being Christmas. I have been very lucky that in the past two houses I have lived in have had large storage rooms with lots of shelving!

So here we go!

Living Room

Dining Room


Around The House

What I love most about Christmas is spending time with family and friends and making memories. Most of my Christmas decorations remind me of a person or a special event. The tree in my living room is full of ornaments that have been given to our family or handmade. My favorite ornaments are the ones that my kids have made. They are even more special now because my kids are in their twenties and it brings back wonderful memories of their childhood. A few years ago I started collecting picture frame ornaments that I use to display pictures of past Christmases. I also have decorations from loved ones that are no longer with us. Displaying these decorations reminds me that even though they are not here they are remembered in a special way.

Thank you for your support of my new business adventure. I am very grateful for this opportunity and excited to begin a new year with new possibilities!